Document Type : Research article


1 MSc, Department Of environment, Kheradgarayan Motahar, Institue Of Education , Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department Of environment, Kheradgarayan Motahar, Institue Of Education , Mashhad, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Geology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.


Background and purpose: unfortunately according to the importance of separating infectious and non-infectious waste and using special containers for storing waste, these instructions are not implemented in most hospitals in Mashhad. Therefore, it is inevitable to investigate these units in order to reduce the transmission of pathogens to the environment.

Materials and Methods: 15 hospitals were selected as hospitals were examined as samples that include the most important and necessary departments. The sample size of 180 people was randomly designed based on that questionnaire. The extracted factors were analyzed using the hierarchical analysis process model. In order to compare the correlation, Pearson's test was used with a significance level of 1% and 5%.  

Results: The comparison of correlation coefficient showed that all the investigated criteria in different sections were significant at (P<0.05) and (P<0.01) percentage levels. The results of selecting the best hospital waste management option using the AHP method revealed that the autoclave decontamination method with a weight of (248) got the highest score among the five investigated methods. Sanitary burial in the ground with weight (217) is in the second place. Using the incinerator with a weight of (148) has been ranked fifth or last.

Conclusion: The most important factor in hospital waste management is attention and mportance to environmental criteria. In the case of proper management of hospital waste, environmental pollution will be significantly reduced.
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